The UF Wetlands Club will be holding SEEP Maintenance Day on Saturday, April 2. The Wetlands Club has been very active in the development of SEEP, which functions as both a storm-water retention basin and a thriving wetland ecosystem. For more information on the development of SEEP, visit SEEP is located on UF campus, and this convenient location makes it easy for us to conduct a Maintenance Day each semester.
Potential activities this Saturday will include:
1. Girdling Salix caroliniana, and trimming back invasive plants such as Ludwigia and Panicum repens
2. Installing benches along the trail
3. Controlling erosion along the trail leading into SEEP
Time: 9 am -Noon.
Meeting Location: Across the Entomology and Nematology Dept. (Behind Lacrosse field, Natural Area drive)
We hope to see many of you there!