Saturday, March 3, 2012

SEEP Maintenance Day - 24 March, 2012

The UF Wetlands Club will be holding SEEP Maintenance Day on Saturday, March 24.  The Wetlands Club has been very active in the development of SEEP, which functions as both a storm-water retention basin and a thriving wetland ecosystem. For more information on the development of SEEP, visit SEEP is located on UF campus, and this convenient location makes it easy for us to conduct a Maintenance Day each semester.
Potential activities this Saturday will include:
1. Girdling Salix caroliniana, and trimming back invasive plants such as Ludwigia and Panicum repens 
2. Installing benches along the trail 
3. Controlling erosion along the trail leading into SEEP
Time: 9 am -Noon.
Meeting Location: Across the Entomology and Nematology  Dept. (Behind Lacrosse field, Natural Area drive)
We hope to see many of you there!